8 février 2023
The Barreau de Montréal launches its new website
Montreal, February 8, 2023 – The Barreau de Montréal is improving its digital communication tools as it launches its brand new website today. Completely redesigned to provide a high-quality platform to its users, who consist mainly of Montreal citizens and lawyers who are members of the section, it will be easier to navigate and read the website and the interface will be completely up-to-date.
A site adapted to users’ needs
The new website is a centralized tool encompassing all the Barreau de Montréal’s activities, its initiatives and the services it offers to the public and lawyers. It has several optimized functionalities, including:
- – quick access to content through a simple and dynamic architecture;
- – responsive technology, allowing the contents of the website to be viewed on all types of devices (computer, mobile phone, iPad, etc.) since the interface will adapt to the size and resolution of the screen used;
- – a powerful search engine, allowing users to find a wealth of information with a single click.
“The deployment of our new website is the culmination of several months of work during which our team developed an up-to-date, efficient tool adapted to users’ needs. I know they’re going to love it. This redesign is closely related to our wish to modernize all our tools in order to facilitate communication and promote our activities on a small and large scale”, noted Mtre. Tamara Davis, General Manager of the Barreau de Montréal.
A payment portal integrated into the website will also be deployed over the next few weeks. It will be making it possible to register and pay directly on the platform.
A new connected newsletter
On February 9th, a new newsletter for our thousands of subscribers will also be launched. Through it, the Barreau de Montréal will continue to cover Montreal’s legal news in addition to providing information and news about the section and its activities. It will also feature a new, updated look.
About the Barreau de Montréal
Founded in 1849, the Barreau de Montréal has over 16,000 members. Its mission is to protect the public and support its members in their legal practice. Other information is available at www.barreaudemontreal.qc.ca.
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Alexandra Thompson
Senior Advisor, Communication and Marketing
Barreau de Montréal
514 866-9530 | athompson@barreaudemontreal.qc.ca