Mtre Robin Schiller’s story
To share common concerns
« In 2008, I was encouraged by a well-respected colleague of mine, Mtre Donald Michelin, to get involved in one of the many committees of the Bar of Montreal. I was invited to join “Les avocates dans la profession” where I continue to be an active member. Participating in the committee is one of my most gratifying experiences. I find it very rewarding to meet colleagues from various backgrounds who share similar concerns. I am convinced that once members of the Bar of Montreal become involved in its activities, they will feel more connected and fulfilled. I also believe that participating offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with the dedicated people who run the Bar of Montreal, and to be part of a team that will make a long-lasting, positive contribution to its future. »
Robin Schiller, lawyer
After her admission to the Quebec Bar in 1984, Mtre Robin Schiller was invited to join her current firm, Handelman, Handelman & Schiller as a partner. Over the years, Mtre Schiller developed a general law practice, with a focus on corporate-commercial law. She particularly enjoys the problem-solving and strategizing aspects of the profession, as well as the long-term relationships that are created with both colleagues and clients. Mtre Schiller is married and has four sons.
After learning that female lawyers were regularly leaving the profession after only a few years of practice because of work-life challenges, the committee of Les avocates dans la profession decided that something needed to be done. With the help of the committee members, Mtre Schiller created their annual “Speed-Meet” events. These meetings provide a unique opportunity for law students at UQAM, UdeM and McGill to ask questions and receive advice and encouragement from female judges and lawyers. The meetings continue to be a tremendous success, attracting both male and female students who are concerned about their future.
Not only is this project at the heart of Mtre Schiller’s goal to share and address common concerns with other members of the Bar of Montreal, but it is also a great example of the impact that the Bar of Montreal can have on the legal community.